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Certificate and Key Management

Host Verification Service Certificates and Keys

The Host Verification Service has several unique certificates not present on other services.


The SAML Certificate a is used to sign SAML attestation reports, and is itself signed by the Root Certificate. This certificate is unique to the Verification Service.




The SAML Certificate can be replaced with a user-specified keypair and certificate chain using the following command:

hvs replace-saml-key-pair --private-key=new.key.pem --cert-chain=new.cert-chain.pem

This will:

  • Replace key pair in /opt/hvs/configuration/SAML.jks, alias samlkey1

  • Update /opt/hvs/configuration/saml.crt with saml DER public key cert

  • Update /opt/hvs/configuration/saml.crt.pem with saml PEM public key cert

  • Update configuration properties:

saml.key.password to null
When the SAML certificate is replaced, all hosts will immediately be added to a queue to generate a new attestation report, since the old signing certificate is no longer valid. No service restart is necessary.

If the Integration Hub is being used, the new SAML certificate will need to be imported to the Hub.

Asset Tag

The Asset tag Certificate is used to sign all Asset Tag Certificates. This certificate is unique to the Verification Service.


The Asset Tag Certificate can be replaced with a user-specified keypair and certificate chain using the following command:

hvs replace-tag-key-pair --private-key=new.key.pem --cert-chain=new.cert-chain.pem

This will:

  • Replace key pair in database table mw_file (cakey is private and public key pem formatted, cacerts is cert chain)

  • Update /opt/hvs/configuration/tag-cacerts.pem with cert chain

  • Update configuration properties:

No service restart is needed. However, all existing Asset Tags will be considered invalid, and will need to be recreated. It is recommended to delete any existing Asset Tag certificates and Flavors, and then recreate and deploy new Tags.

Privacy CA

The Privacy CA certificate is used as part of the certificate chain for creating the Attestation Identity Key (AIK) during Trust Agent provisioning. The Privacy CA must be a self-signed certificate. This certificate is unique to the Verification Service.

The Privacy CA certificate is used by Trust Agent nodes during Trust Agent provisioning; if the Privacy CA certificate is changed, all Trust Agent nodes will need to be re-provisioned.



The Privacy CA Certificate can be replaced with a user-specified keypair and certificate chain using the following command:

hvs replace-pca-key-pair --private-key=new.key.pem --cert-chain=new.cert-chain.pem

This will:

  • Replace key pair in /opt/hvs/configuration/PrivacyCA.p12, alias 1

  • Update /opt/hvs/configuration/PrivacyCA.pem with cert

  • Update configuration properties:

After the Privacy CA certificate is replaced, all Trust Agent hosts will need to be re-provisioned with a new AIK:

tagent setup download-mtwilson-privacy-ca-certificate --force

tagent setup request-aik-certificate --force

tagent restart

Endorsement CA

The Endorsement CA is a self-signed certificate used during Trust Agent provisioning.



The Endorsement CA Certificate can be replaced with a user-specified keypair and certificate chain using the following command:

hvs replace-eca-key-pair --private-key=new.key.pem --cert-chain=new.cert-chain.pem

This will:

  • Replace key pair in /opt/hvs/configuration/EndorsementCA.p12, alias 1

  • Update /opt/hvs/configuration/EndorsementCA.pem with accepted ECs

  • Update configuration properties:

After the Endorsement CA certificate is replaced, all Trust Agent hosts will need to be re-provisioned with a new Endorsement Certificate:

tagent setup request-endorsement-certificate --force

tagent restart

TLS Certificates

TLS certificates for each service are issued by the Certificate Management Service during installation. If the CMS root certificate is changed, or to regenerate the TLS certificate for a given service, use the following commands (note: environment variables will need to be set; typically these are the same variables set in the service installation .env file):

  • <servicename> download_ca_cert
  • Download CMS root CA certificate

  • Environment variable CMS_BASE_URL=\<url> for CMS API url

  • <servicename> download_cert TLS

  • Generates Key pair and CSR, gets it signed from CMS

  • Environment variable CMS_BASE_URL=\<url> for CMS API url

  • Environment variable BEARER_TOKEN=\<token> for authenticating with CMS

  • Environment variable KEY_PATH=\<key_path> to override default specified in config

  • Environment variable CERT_PATH=\<cert_path> to override default specified in config