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Configuration Update Flows for K8s Deployments

Configuration Update flows have been updated to have K8s native flow to be more agnostic to K8s workflows using configMap only. Following would be the flow for configuration update. The config task options are are detailed under Intel Security Libraries Configuration Settings for each service and agent

  • User would create a new configMap object using existing one and update the new values. The list of config variables would be documented in the Product Guide
  • Users can update variables for more than one
  • Users need to add SETUP_TASK: "update-service-config" in the same configMap
  • Provide a unique name to the new configMap
  • Provide the same name in the deployment.yaml under configMapRef section
  • Deploy the specific service again with kubectl kustomize . | kubectl apply -f -

Incase of agents, setup tasks or configuration updates done through above flows will be applied for all the agents running on different BMs. In order to run setup task or update configuration for individual agents, then user need to perform kubectl exec -it <pod_name> /bin/bash into a particular agent pod and run the specific setup task.