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Deployment Steps

Binary Deployment


  • Setup master and worker node for k8s. Worker node should be setup on SGX and SUEFI enabled host machine. Master node can be any system.

  • To setup k8 cluster follow

  • Follow "SGX Attestation Infrastructure and Secure Key Caching (SKC) Quick Start Guide" to build, setup and deploy all SKC services.

  • Follow "Foundational & Workload Security Quick Start Guide" to build, setup and deploy all FS and WS services.


Deployment of isecl-controller, ihub and isecl-scheduler will be manual.

  • SKC services (CMS, AAS, SCS, SHVS) should be running on one VM, FS/WS services (CMS, AAS, HVS, WLS) should be running on other VM on CSP side.

  • SGX-Agent, Trust-Agent and Workload-Agent should be running on worker node.

  • Configure private registry

  • Push images to private registry using skopeo command, (this can be done from build vm also)

skopeo copy oci-archive:isecl-k8s-controller-<tag>-<commitid>.tar docker://<registryIP>:<registryPort>/isecl-k8s-controller:<tag>
skopeo copy oci-archive:isecl-k8s-scheduler-<tag>-<commitid>.tar docker://<registryIP>:<registryPort>/isecl-k8s-scheduler:<tag>


  • isecl-k8s-controller and isecl-k8s-scheduler will deploy on Master Node and ihub will deploy on any CSP side VM

  • Copy tar output isecl-k8s-extensions-*.tar.gz from build system's binaries folder to /opt/ directory on the Master Node and extract the contents.

cd /opt/
tar -xvzf isecl-k8s-extensions-*.tar.gz
cd isecl-k8s-extensions/
  • Add the image names in isecl-controller.yml and isecl-scheduler.yml in /opt/isecl-k8s-extensions/yamls with full image name including registry IP/hostname (e.g :/isecl-k8s-scheduler:v3.6.0).

Deploy isecl-controller

  • Create crd
kubectl apply -f yamls/crd-1.17.yaml
  • Check whether the crd is created
kubectl get crds
  • Deploy isecl-controller
kubectl apply -f yamls/isecl-controller.yaml
  • Check whether the isecl-controller is up and running
kubectl get deploy -n isecl
  • Create clusterrolebinding for ihub to get access to cluster nodes
kubectl create clusterrolebinding isecl-clusterrole --clusterrole=system:node --user=system:serviceaccount:isecl:isecl
  • Fetch k8s token required for ihub installation and follow below IHUB installation steps,
kubectl get secrets -n isecl
kubectl describe secret default-token-<name> -n isecl

Deploy ihub

For iHub installation, make sure to update below configuration in /root/ihub.env before installing ihub on ihub VM.

  • Copy /etc/kubernetes/pki/apiserver.crt from master node to /root on ihub systems. Update KUBERNETES_CERT_FILE.
  • Get k8s token in master obtained by running kubectl describe secret default-token-<name> -n isecl command and update KUBERNETES_TOKEN
  • Update KUBERNETES_URL with Master node IP and k8s port (default port 6443)

When using 2 different instances of ihub on 2 different VMs:

  • Update the value of CRD name in /root/ihub.env
KUBERNETES_CRD=custom-isecl-sgx (On SGX ihub)
KUBERNETES_CRD=custom-isecl-hvs (On FS ihub)
  • Update HVS and SHVS url in /root/ihub.env
SHVS_BASE_URL=https://<SGX SHVS IP>:13000/sgx-hvs/v2 (On SGX ihub)
HVS_BASE_URL=https://<FS HVS IP>:8443/sgx-hvs/v2 (On FS ihub)
  • Deploy ihub for both SGX and FS

  • After iHub deployment, copy /etc/ihub/ihub_public_key.pem from both ihub systems to /opt/isecl-k8s-extensions/ directory on k8 master system.

  • Prefix sgx_ihub_public_key.pem for SGX ihub key and prefix hvs_ihub_public_key.pem for FS ihub key

scp <user>@<SGX iHub host>:/etc/ihub/ihub_public_key.pem /opt/isecl-k8s-extensions/
mv /opt/isecl-k8s-extensions/ihub_public_key.pem /opt/isecl-k8s-extensions/sgx_ihub_public_key.pem
scp <user>@<FS iHub host>:/etc/ihub/ihub_public_key.pem /opt/isecl-k8s-extensions/
mv /opt/isecl-k8s-extensions/ihub_public_key.pem /opt/isecl-k8s-extensions/hvs_ihub_public_key.pem

When using 2 different instances of ihub on same VM:

  • Update the below values in /root/ihub.env and deploy ihub instance for SKC.
SHVS_BASE_URL=https://<SGX SHVS IP>:13000/sgx-hvs/v2
  • Update the below values in /root/ihub.env and deploy ihub instance for FS.
HVS_BASE_URL=https://<FS HVS IP>:8443/sgx-hvs/v2
  • After iHub deployment, copy both ihub public keys /etc/ihub-sgx/ihub_public_key.pem and /etc/ihub-sgx/ihub_public_key.pem from ihub system to /opt/isecl-k8s-extensions/ directory on k8 master system.

  • Prefix sgx_ihub_public_key.pem for SGX ihub key and prefix hvs_ihub_public_key.pem for FS ihub key

scp <user>@<SGX iHub host>:/etc/ihub-sgx/ihub_public_key.pem /opt/isecl-k8s-extensions/
mv /opt/isecl-k8s-extensions/ihub_public_key.pem /opt/isecl-k8s-extensions/sgx_ihub_public_key.pem
scp <user>@<FS iHub host>:/etc/ihub-hvs/ihub_public_key.pem /opt/isecl-k8s-extensions/
mv /opt/isecl-k8s-extensions/ihub_public_key.pem /opt/isecl-k8s-extensions/hvs_ihub_public_key.pem

When using common instance of ihub on same VM:

  • Update the below values in /root/ihub.env and deploy common ihub instance.
SHVS_BASE_URL=https://<SGX SHVS IP>:13000/sgx-hvs/v2
HVS_BASE_URL=https://<FS HVS IP>:8443/sgx-hvs/v2
  • After iHub deployment, copy ihub public keys /etc/ihub/ihub_public_key.pem from ihub system to /opt/isecl-k8s-extensions/ directory on k8 master system.

  • Create 2 copy of same ihub public key with prefix sgx_ihub_public_key.pem for SGX and hvs_ihub_public_key.pem for FS.

scp <user>@<iHub host>:/etc/ihub/ihub_public_key.pem /opt/isecl-k8s-extensions/
cp /opt/isecl-k8s-extensions/ihub_public_key.pem /opt/isecl-k8s-extensions/sgx_ihub_public_key.pem
mv /opt/isecl-k8s-extensions/ihub_public_key.pem /opt/isecl-k8s-extensions/hvs_ihub_public_key.pem

Deploy isecl-scheduler

  • The isecl-scheduler default configuration is provided for common cluster support in /opt/isecl-k8s-extensions/yamls/isecl-scheduler.yaml. Variables HVS_IHUB_PUBLIC_KEY_PATH and SGX_IHUB_PUBLIC_KEY_PATH are by default set to default paths.

  • Install cfssl and cfssljson on Kubernetes Control Plane

wget -O /usr/local/bin/cfssl
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/cfssl
wget -O /usr/local/bin/cfssljson
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/cfssljson
  • Create TLS key pair for isecl-scheduler service, which is signed by k8s apiserver.crt
cd /opt/isecl-k8s-extensions/
chmod +x
./ -n "K8S Extended Scheduler" -s "<K8_MASTER_IP>","<K8_MASTER_HOST>" -c /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt -k /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.key
  • Copy TLS key pair generated in previous step to secrets directory.
mkdir secrets
cp /opt/isecl-k8s-extensions/server.key secrets/
cp /opt/isecl-k8s-extensions/server.crt secrets/
mv /opt/isecl-k8s-extensions/sgx_ihub_public_key.pem secrets/
mv /opt/isecl-k8s-extensions/hvs_ihub_public_key.pem secrets/
  • Create kubernetes secrets scheduler-secret for isecl-scheduler
kubectl create secret generic scheduler-certs --namespace isecl --from-file=secrets
  • Deploy isecl-scheduler
kubectl apply -f yamls/isecl-scheduler.yaml
  • Check whether the isecl-scheduler is up and running
kubectl get deploy -n isecl

Configure kube-scheduler to establish communication with isecl-scheduler

  • Add scheduler-policy.json under kube-scheduler section, mountPath under container section and hostPath under volumes section in /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-scheduler.yaml as mentioned below
  - command:
    - kube-scheduler
    - --policy-config-file=/opt/isecl-k8s-extensions/scheduler-policy.json

    - mountPath: /opt/isecl-k8s-extensions/
      name: extendedsched
      readOnly: true

  - hostPath:
      path: /opt/isecl-k8s-extensions/
    name: extendedsched

Make sure to use proper indentation and don't delete existing mountPath and hostPath sections in kube-scheduler.yaml.

  • Restart Kubelet which restart all the k8s services including kube base schedular
systemctl restart kubelet
  • Check if CRD data is populated
kubectl get -o json
kubectl get nodes --show-labels

Containerized Deployment


  • SGX and SUEFI both HW features should be enabled on Worker node.

  • The K8s cluster admin configure the existing bare metal worker nodes or register fresh bare metal worker nodes with labels. For example, a label like node.type: SGX-SUEFI-ENABLED can be used by the cluster admin to distinguish the baremetal worker node and the same label can be used in ISECL Agent pod configuration to schedule on all worker nodes marked with the label.

#Label node , below example is for SGX & SUEFI enabled host
kubectl label node <node-name> node.type=SGX-SUEFI-ENABLED

#Label node , below example is for SGX & TXT enabled host
kubectl label node <node-name> node.type=SGX-TXT-ENABLED
  • Based on the worker node as given the deployment architecture diagram, the respective agent daemonsets should be updated with the node-affinity as per the labels put on the worker nodes

  • User needs to create on NFS volumes manually or using custom scripts for both use cases inside same directory /<NFS-vol-base-path>/isecl/


Deployment of isecl-controller, ihub and isecl-scheduler will be manual.

SKC Deployment

  • Ensure to have all the container images pushed to the registry of choice.

  • Install pre-reqs using platform-dependencies on respective SGX enabled nodes

  • Copy manifests to K8s-Controller node to /root/skc

  • Update isecl-skc-k8s.env

  • Run the following steps for deployment

# Run pre-requisites

# Bootstrap DB pods
./ up

# Deploy SKC Services and Agents
./ up secure-key-caching

FS,WS Deployment

  • Ensure to have all the container images pushed to the registry of choice.

  • Install pre-reqs using platform-dependencies on respective TXT/SUEFI enabled nodes for Foundational Security use case

  • Install pre-reqs for container-runtime on respective nodes as applicable for Workload Security use case

  • Copy manifests to K8s-Controller node to /root/fs

  • Update isecl-k8s.env with relevant data as applicable

  • Run the following steps for deployment

# Run pre-requisites

# Bootstrap DB pods
./ up

# Deploy Foundational Security Services and Agents
./ up foundation-security

Integration Hub and ISecL-K8s-Extensions Deployment

ISecL-K8s-Extensions Custom-Controller

  • Run the following to deploy isecl-controller from manifests folder under /root/fs
./ up isecl-controller

Integration Hub

  • Run the following to deploy ihub from manifests folder under /root/fs pointing to HVS only
./ up ihub
  • Run the following for pointing IHUB to both HVS and SHVS:

  • Open configMap.yml under /root/fs/manifests/ihub/configMap.yml

  • Add setup task SHVS_BASE_URL: https://shvs-svc.isecl.svc.cluster.local:13000/sgx-hvs/v2 in the same configMap inside data section
  • Add SETUP_TASK: "attestation-service-connection" inside data section
  • Provide unique name to new configMap inside metadata section
  • Provide the same name in the deployment.yml under configMapRef section
  • Deploy the ihub service again with kubectl kustomize . | kubectl apply -f -

ISecL-K8s-Extensions Extended-Scheduler

  • Run the following to deploy isecl-scheduler from manifests folder under /root/fs

  • Copy ihub public key from NFS to K8s Controller and update isecl-k8s.env for IHUB_PUB_KEY_PATH

  • Run below commands:

    # Set environment variables
    export K8S_MASTER_IP=<k8s Master IP>
    export K8S_MASTER_HOSTNAME=<k8s Master Hostname>
    export K8S_CA_KEY=/etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.key
    export K8S_CA_CERT=/etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt
    # Create Extended Scheduler Certs
    cd k8s/manifests/k8s-extensions-scheduler/ 
    chmod +x scripts/
    cd scripts && echo ./ -n "K8S Extended Scheduler" -s "$K8S_MASTER_IP","$K8S_MASTER_HOSTNAME" -c "$K8S_CA_CERT" -k "$K8S_CA_KEY"
    ./ -n "K8S Extended Scheduler" -s "$K8S_MASTER_IP","$K8S_MASTER_HOSTNAME" -c "$K8S_CA_CERT" -k "$K8S_CA_KEY"
    # Created Extended Scheduler secrets
    cd ..
    mkdir -p secrets
    cp scripts/server.key secrets/
    cp scripts/server.crt secrets/
    cp /<IHUB_PUB_KEY_PATH>/ihub_public_key.pem secrets/hvs_ihub_public_key.pem
    cp /<IHUB_PUB_KEY_PATH>/ihub_public_key.pem secrets/sgx_ihub_public_key.pem
  • Update SGX_IHUB_PUBLIC_KEY_PATH and HVS_IHUB_PUBLIC_KEY_PATH inside k8s/manifests/k8s-extensions-scheduler/isecl-scheduler.yml as mentioned below:

      value: /opt/isecl-k8s-extensions/sgx_ihub_public_key.pem
      value: /opt/isecl-k8s-extensions/hvs_ihub_public_key.pem
  • Create Secret

    kubectl create secret generic scheduler-certs --namespace isecl --from-file=secrets
  • Deploy isecl-scheduler

    kubectl kustomize . | kubectl  apply -f -
  • Create and update scheduler-policy.json path

    mkdir -p /opt/isecl-k8s-extensions
    cp manifests/k8s-extensions-scheduler/config/scheduler-policy.json /opt/isecl-k8s-extensions
  • Configure kube-scheduler to establish communication with isecl-scheduler. Add scheduler-policy.json under kube-scheduler section, mountPath under container section and hostPath under volumes section in /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-scheduler.yaml as mentioned below

      - command:
        - kube-scheduler
        - --policy-config-file=/opt/isecl-k8s-extensions/scheduler-policy.json
        - mountPath: /opt/isecl-k8s-extensions/
          name: extendedsched
          readOnly: true
      - hostPath:
          path: /opt/isecl-k8s-extensions/
        name: extendedsched

Make sure to use proper indentation and don't delete existing mountPath and hostPath sections in kube-scheduler.yaml

  • Restart kubelet which restart all the k8s services including kube-scheduler

    systemctl restart kubelet