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Beginning in the Intel® SecL-DC 1.6 release, authentication is centrally managed by the Authentication and Authorization Service (AAS). This service uses a Bearer Token authentication method, which replaces the previous HTTP BASIC authentication. This service also centralizes the creation of roles and users, allowing much easier management of users, passwords, and permissions across all Intel® SecL-DC services.

To make an API request to an Intel® SecL-DC service, an authentication token is now required. API requests must now include an Authorization header with an appropriate token:

Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN

The token is issued by the AAS and will expire after a set amount of time. This token may be used with any Intel® SecL-DC service, and will carry the appropriate permissions for the role(s) assigned to the account the token was generated for.

Create Token

To request a new token from the AAS:

POST https://<AAS IP or hostname>:8444/aas/v1/token

    "username" : "<username>",
    "password" : "<password>"

The response will be a token that can be used in the Authorization header for other requests. The length of time for which the token will be valid is configured on the AAS using the key AAS\_JWT\_TOKEN\_DURATION\_MINS (in the installation answer file during installation) or aas.jwt.token.duration.mins (configured on the AAS after installation). In both cases the value is the length of time in minutes that issued tokens will remain valid before expiring.

User Management

Users in Intel® SecL-DC are no longer restrained to a specific service, as they are now centrally managed by the Authentication and Authorization Service. Any user may now be assigned roles for any service, allowing user accounts to be fully defined by the tasks needed.

Username and Password requirements

Passwords have the following constraints:

  • cannot be empty - i.e must at least have one character

  • maximum length of 255 characters

Usernames have the following requirements:

  • Format: username[@host_name[domain]]

  • [@host_name[domain]] is optional

  • username shall be minimum of 2 and maximum of 255 characters

  • username allowed characters are alphanumeric, ., -, _ - but cannot start with -.

  • Domain name must meet requirements of a host name or fully qualified internet host name

  • Examples

Create User

POST https://<IP or hostname of AAS>:8444/aas/v1/users
Authorization: Bearer <token>

    "username" : "<username>",
    "password" : "<password>"

Search Users by Username

GET https://<IP or hostname of AAS>:8444/aas/v1/users?name=<value>

Change User Password

PATCH https://<IP or hostname of AAS>:8444/aas/v1/users/changepassword
Authorization: Bearer <token>
    "username": "<username>",
    "old_password": "<old_password>",
    "new_password": "<new_password>",
    "password_confirm": "<new_password>"

Delete User

DELETE https://<IP or hostname of AAS>:8444/aas/v1/users/<User ID>
Authorization: Bearer <token>

Roles and Permissions

Permissions in Intel® SecL-DC are managed by Roles. Roles are a set of predefined permissions applicable to a specific service. Any number of Roles may be applied to a User. While new Roles can be created, each Intel® SecL service defines permissions that are applicable to specific predetermined Roles. This means that only pre-defined Roles will actually have any permissions. Role creation is intended to allow Intel® SecL-DC services to define their permissions while allowing role and user management to be centrally managed on the AAS. When a new service is installed, it will use the Role creation functions to define roles applicable for that service in the AAS.

Create Role

POST https://<AAS IP or Hostname>:8444/aas/v1/roles
Authorization: Bearer <token>

    "service": "<Service name>",
    "name": "<Role Name>",
    "permissions": [<array of permissions>]
  • service field contains a minimum of 1 and maximum of 20 characters. Allowed characters are alphanumeric plus the special charecters -, _, @, ., ,

  • name field contains a minimum of 1 and maximum of 40 characters. Allowed characters are alphanumeric plus the special characters -, _, @, ., ,

  • service and name fields are mandatory

  • context field is optional and can contain up to 512 characters. Allowed characters are alphanumeric plus -, _, @, ., ,,=,;,:,*

  • permissions field is optional and allow up to a maximum of 512 characters.

The Permissions array must a comma-separated list of permissions formatted as resource:action:

Permissions required to execute specific API requests are listed with the API resource and method definitions in the API documentation.

Search Roles

GET https://<AAS IP or Hostname>:8444/aas/v1/roles?<parameter>=<value>
Authorization: Bearer <token>

Search parameters supported:

Service=<name of service>
Name=<role name>
contextContains=<partial "context" string>
allContexts=<true or false>

Delete Role

DELETE https://<AAS IP or Hostname>:8444/aas/v1/roles/<role ID>
Authorization: Bearer <token>

Assign Role to User

POST https://<AAS IP or Hostname>:8444/aas/v1/users/<user ID>/roles
Authorization: Bearer <token>

    "role_ids": ["<comma-separated list of role IDs>"]

List Roles Assigned to User

GET https://<AAS IP or Hostname\>:8444/aas/v1/users/<user ID>/roles
Authorization: Bearer <token>

Remove Role from User

DELETE https://<AAS IP or Hostname>:8444/aas/v1/users/<userID>/roles/<role ID>
Authorization: Bearer <token>

Role Definitions

The following roles are created during installation (or by the CreateUsers script) and exist by default.

Role Name Permissions Utility
TA:Administrator TA:*:* Used by the Verification Service to access Trust Agent APIs, including retrieval of TPM quotes, provisioning Asset Tags and SOFTWARE Flavors, etc.
HVS:ReportSearcher HVS: [reports:search:*"] Used by the Integration Hub to retrieve attestation reports from the Verification Service
KBS:Keymanager KBS: ["keys:create:*", "keys:transfer:*"] Used by the WPM to create and retrieve symmetric encryption keys to encrypt workload images
WLS:FlavorsImageRetrieval WLS: image_flavors:retrieve:* Used by the Workload Agent during Workload Confidentiality flows to retrieve the image Flavor
HVS: ReportCreator HVS: ["reports:create:*"] Used by the Workload Service to create new attestation reports on the Verification Service as part of Workload Confidentiality key retrievals.
Administrator *:*:* Global administrator role used for the initial administrator account. This role has all permissions across all services, including permissions to create new roles and users.
AAS: Administrator *:*:* Administrator role for the AAS only. Has all permissions for AAS resources, including the ability to create or delete users and roles.
AAS: RoleManager AAS: [roles:create:*, roles:retrieve:*, roles:search:*, roles:delete:*] AAS role that allows all actions for Roles, but cannot create or delete Users or assign Roles to Users.
AAS: UserManager AAS: [users:create:*, users:retrieve:*, users:store:*, users:search:*, users:delete:*] AAS role with all permissions for Users, but has no ability to create Roles or assign Roles to Users.
AAS: UserRoleManager AAS: [user_roles:create:*, user_roles:retrieve:*, user_roles:search:*, user_roles:delete:*, AAS role with permissions to assign Roles to Users, but cannot create delete or modify Users or Roles.
HVS: AttestationRegister HVS: [host_tls_policies:create:*, hosts:create:*, hosts:store:*, hosts:search:*, host_unique_flavors:create:*, flavors:search:*, tpm_passwords:retrieve:*, tpm_passwords:create:*, host_aiks:certify:* Role used for Trust Agent provisioning. Used to create the installation token provided during installation.
HVS: Certifier HVS: host_signing_key_certificates:create:* Used for installation of the Workload Agent