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This section describes steps used for uninstalling Intel SecL-DC services.

Certificate Management Service

To uninstall the Certificate Management Service, run the following command:

cms uninstall \--purge

Removes following directories:

  1. /opt/cms

  2. /run/cms

  3. /var/log/cms

  4. /etc/cms

Authentication and Authorization Service

To uninstall the Authentication and Authorization Service, run the following command:

authservice uninstall \--purge

Removes following directories:

  1. /opt/authservice

  2. /run/authservice

  3. /var/log/authservice

  4. /etc/authservice

SGX Host Verification Service

To uninstall the SGX Host Verification Service, run the following command:

shvs uninstall \--purge

Removes following directories:

  1. /opt/shvs

  2. /run/shvs

  3. /var/log/shvs

  4. /etc/shvs


To uninstall the SGX Agent, run the following command:

sgx_agent uninstall \--purge

Removes following directories:

  1. /opt/sgx_agent

  2. /run/sgx_agent

  3. /var/log/sgx_agent

  4. /etc/sgx_agent

Integration Hub

To uninstall the Integration Hub, run the following command:

ihub uninstall \--purge

Removes the following directories:

  1. /opt/ihub

  2. /run/ihub

  3. /var/log/ihub

  4. /etc/ihub

SGX Caching Service

To uninstall the SGX Caching Service , run the following command:

scs uninstall \--purge

Removes the following directories:

  1. /opt/scs

  2. /run/scs

  3. /var/log/scs

  4. /etc/scs

SGX Quote Verification Service

To uninstall the SGX Quote Verification Service, run the following command:

sqvs uninstall \--purge

Removes the following directories:

  1. /opt/sqvs

  2. /run/sqvs

  3. /var/log/sqvs

  4. /etc/sqvs

Key Broker Service

To uninstall the Key Broker Service , run the following command:

kbs uninstall \--purge

Removes the following directories:

  1. /opt/kbs

  2. /run/kbs

  3. /var/log/kbs

  4. /etc/kbs

SKC Library

To uninstall the SKC Library, run the following command:


Removes the following directories:



Cluster admin can uninstall the isecl-k8s-extensions by running following commands:

    kubectl delete svc isecl-scheduler-svc -n isecl
    kubectl delete deployment isecl-controller isecl-scheduler -n isecl
    kubectl delete crds
    rm -rf /opt/isecl-k8s-extensions
    rm -rf /var/log/isecl-k8s-extensions

TLS Certificates

TLS certificates for each service are issued by the Certificate Management Service during installation. If the CMS root certificate is changed, or to regenerate the TLS certificate for a given service, use the following commands (note: environment variables will need to be set; typically these are the same variables set in the service installation .env file):

  • <servicename> download_ca_cert
  • Download CMS root CA certificate

  • Environment variable CMS_BASE_URL=\<url> for CMS API url

  • <servicename> download_cert TLS

  • Generates Key pair and CSR, gets it signed from CMS

  • Environment variable CMS_BASE_URL=\<url> for CMS API url

  • Environment variable BEARER_TOKEN=\<token> for authenticating with CMS

  • Environment variable KEY_PATH=\<key_path> to override default specified in config

  • Environment variable CERT_PATH=\<cert_path> to override default specified in config